EnviroChem Services takes up Wastewater Treatment Projects (ETP, CETP, STP, ZLD, etc.), Water Treatment Projects (RO, DM, PSF, ACF, Advanced Membrane Filtration for Silica Removal, Metal Removal, etc.), Water Conservation Projects (Rain Water Harvesting, Water Leakage Detection & Repairing, etc.), Air Pollution Control Systems (Cyclone Separator, Bag Filter, Volatile Organic Filters, Odour Control Systems, etc.), Solid Waste Management, Biogas Plant, BioCNG Plant, Solar Power Projects, Waste-to-Energy, River Rejuvenation, Carbon Capturing and Utilization, Circular Economy, Ecology Restoration, Soil Remediation, and Noise Reduction Measures.

Water & Wastewater Management Systems
We execute turnkey projects for Water & Wastewater Management Systems such as Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant, Demineralization (DM) Plant, Pressure Sand Filter (PSF), Activated Carbon Filter (ACF), Iron Removal Plant, Advanced Membrane Filtration for Silica Removal, Metal Removal, etc. & Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), etc. Our designed plants have the least operating cost and satisfactorily comply with the legislative requirements of the State Pollution Control Board.
Plant Recommissioning
We recommission your existing water and wastewater treatment plants to achieve the desired efficiency. Developing Bioculture, achieving required Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) in new plants or old plants, we will recommission the system. Stuck with the poor performance of the plant, we will achieve the performance. Investing a huge amount of capital in operation, we will reduce the capital investments. For a small plants or large plants, we have an inhouse technical team, which can handle nearly all the raised issues in the existing water and wastewater treatment plants.

Electromechanical Equipment
We design and fabricate the electromechanical equipment required for Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), and Water Treatment Plant (WTP) like Surface Aerator, Clarifier, Diffused Aeration Systems at the most economical rates and deliver it to the Industry. We also develop and design special equipment required to achieve the required reduction in the existing system in the least possible capital expenditures.
Zero Liquid Discharge System
We optimize your existing effluent treatment plant to achieve the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). Removal of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) from Wastewater is a critical step to achieving Zero Liquid Discharge. As, the available Technology in the market is based on the principle of Membrane Filtration, Adsorption, and Evaporation, which generates high TDS wastewater from the Rejection, Regeneration, or both. However, Wastewater Treatment System simply reduces the TDS in one stream, to utilize the same for reusing purpose, and increases the concentration of the TDS in another stream, i.e., Reject or Regeneration Stream, which constrains to comply with Environmental Norms. We design Tailor-made ZLD systems, very specific to the Effluent Characteristics, and restrict the Generation of High TDS Wastewater stream which complies with the Environmental Norms.

Pre-Treatment of Reverse Osmosis

Removal of suspended solids, as well as Dissolved Ions from the Wastewater, increases the Membrane Life by reducing the chances of Membrane Fouling. This further reduces the Operational Cost of Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, due to the requirement of the High Pressure, over time. Also, due to the continuous operation of the RO plant, concentrate of Suspended Particles and Dissolved Ions increases, as FeedVolumeDecreases. This increased Suspended Particles shall settle on Membrane Surface, and block the Feed Channel. Hence, the Pressure Drop of the system increases, which further increases the Energy Loss and consequently the Operating Cost of the Reverse Osmosis System. Due to the fouling of the RO Membrane, frequent replacement of Membranes will further increase the Operating Cost of the ZLD System and/or ETP. Hence, pre-treatment of RO will help the industry in cost optimization.
Odour Control System
As, Olfactory Receptors are directly connected to the Limbic System, which is thought to be the seat of Emotions. Hence, Smell Perception is not only Odour Sensation, but it is also trigging of Experiences and Emotions associated with that Specific Odour. Organic or Inorganic Compounds may be the source of Odours, which can be both Pleasant & Unpleasant. Apart from the Psychological Effect, Odour can be Hazardous as well. Benzene, having Odour Threshold of 5 mg/m3, as per Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and 8-Hour Time Weighted Average of 1.59 mg/m3 [0.5 ppm - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)]. If one can sense Benzene in Booth Exhaust, Exhaust should have Benzene Concentration equal to or more than 5 mg/m3. Therefore, Exposure is Harmful to the Personnel. Also, considering the Exhaustion Rate of 500 m3/min of Booth Handling Benzene, Wasting of Benzene per Booth will be about 36 kg per Day per Booth. Therefore, Chemical Exposure Reduction in the Workplace is a Proactive Preventative Action for improved outcomes for both Worker Health and the Environment. We offer Odour Mitigation and Control Measures as well as Odour Complaint Management for the betterment of the Industry.

Municipal Solid Waste Management
Our motive is to design and supply a Municipal Solid Waste treatment facility which includes a pre-treatment, reduces the need of segregation, the primary treatment for the separation of recyclable waste, and biodegradable organic waste to generate the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), further tertiary treatment of waste for ready to recycle / market goods in order to reduce the landfill fraction. We offer a tailor-made full service, from design to production, modernization, optimization, operation & maintenance, servicing of components to complete recycling & sorting systems.
EPC Contracting Services
We render excellent and reliable EPC Contracting Services for diverse requirements of the industry. In this industry, we undertake the complete work of engineering, procurement, and construction. For this, we have recruited a team of highly experienced civil engineers, architects, and other personnel. We design the draft of installation procures the necessary materials and builds the project in the stipulated time frame and committed budget limit. Prior to any project, we discuss with the client about the scope and the specification of the plant, project duration, and budget. With this service, we reduce the stress of the clients as we take upon ourselves the entire responsibility of the project, fluctuating material cost, and other risks involved. In the engineering phase, we implement, evaluate, and plan the installation, while the work of purchasing, invoicing, and receiving is done in the procurement phase. At the last, in the construction phase, we deal with the schedule, on-site material handling, and valuation.